[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Nov 1 02:44:06 UTC 2003

CVS commit by okellogg: 

Fix bug 65389.

  M +25 -13    associationwidget.cpp   1.67

--- kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/associationwidget.cpp  #1.66:1.67
@@ -980,21 +980,33 @@ Association_Type AssociationWidget::getA
 /** Sets the association's type */
 void AssociationWidget::setAssocType(Association_Type type) {
-        //if the association new type is not supposed to have Multiplicity FloatingTexts and a Role
-        //FloatingText then set the internl floating text pointers to null
-        if( !AssocRules::allowMultiplicity( type, getWidgetA() -> getBaseType() ) ) {
-                setMultiA( 0 ); setMultiA("");
-                setMultiB( 0 ); setMultiB("");
-        }
-        if( !AssocRules::allowRole( type ) )
-        {
-                setRoleNameA("");
-                setRoleADoc("");
-                setRoleNameB("");
-                setRoleBDoc("");
-        }
         if (m_pAssociation)
         m_AssocType = type;
+        // If the association new type is not supposed to have Multiplicity
+        // FloatingTexts and a Role FloatingText then set the internal
+        // floating text pointers to null.
+        if( !AssocRules::allowMultiplicity(type, getWidgetA()->getBaseType()) ) {
+                if (m_pMultiA) {
+                        delete m_pMultiA;
+                        m_pMultiA = NULL;
+                }
+                if (m_pMultiB) {
+                        delete m_pMultiB;
+                        m_pMultiB = NULL;
+                }
+        }
+        if( !AssocRules::allowRole( type ) ) {
+                if (m_pRoleA) {
+                        delete m_pRoleA;
+                        m_pRoleA = NULL;
+                }
+                if (m_pRoleB) {
+                        delete m_pRoleB;
+                        m_pRoleB = NULL;
+                }
+                setRoleADoc("");
+                setRoleBDoc("");
+        }

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