[Uml-devel] Bug or feature? Cant have same class appear more than once in class diagram
P. Fleury
fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Wed May 14 19:25:07 UTC 2003
Hi Brian,
my understanding of UMl is that in your case, you effectively have only
2 classes: Sentence and Topic.
Now, you want to express the way these classes can be related during the
execution of your program, in which case you should use an object
diagram which can give you the relations between objects.
Unfortunately Umbrello allows you to display only classes in the class
diagram, but you can get an approximation with the collaboration digram,
which at least allows you to display multiple objects of the same class,
but shows only the dynamic part of what you'd like to show.
Brian Thomas wrote:
> Hi all,
> The message below prompts me to remember an irritation that I
> have with Umbrello: You cant have the same class appear more
> than once in each class diagram. I find this a irriating because I
> may re-use a class many times in association with another class.
> Consider the following example:
> Sentence - <subject> - Topic
> |
> <predicate>
> |
> Topic
> where lines are assoications between classes and brakets describe
> the name of the associations ("Sentence" and "Topic" are the 2 classes).
> I can see a possible counterargument that it becomes hard to generate code
> when a class appears more than one time in a diagram, but am not 100%
> sure its so bad.
> Comments? I guess I lean towards removing this limitation in Umbrello
> if its not too hairy. I dont see any problem with UML rules as to why this
> cant happen.
> -b.t.
>On Wednesday 14 May 2003 03:03 pm, umbrello-devel-request at mail.kde.org wrote:
>>On Tue, 13 May 2003, Philippe Boxho wrote:
>>>Package: umbrello
>>>Version: 1.1.1 (KDE 3.1.0) (Mandrake Linux Cooker i586 - Cooker)
>>>Severity: normal
>>>Compiler: gcc version 3.2.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2.2-3mdk)
>>>OS: Linux 2.4.19-32mdkenterprise i686 (Mandrake Linux Cooker i586 -
>>>In the class diagram when I try to add two Operations who have the
>>>same name, I get a warning, but even if I answer yes, it didn't work
>>>the operation appear in the UML Diagrams tree but not in the class
>>>diagram, and when I try to delete one of these method the application
>>This is a known bug and has been fixed in the CVS version.
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