[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello
Jonathan Riddell
jri at jriddell.org
Sat Mar 8 14:58:05 UTC 2003
CVS commit by jriddell:
Added artifacts to component diagrams
A artifact.cpp 1.1
A artifact.h 1.1
A artifactwidget.cpp 1.1
A artifactwidget.h 1.1
A artifactwidgetdata.cpp 1.1
A artifactwidgetdata.h 1.1
A pics/artifact.xpm 1.1
M +2 -2 Makefile.am 1.15
M +2 -0 assocrules.cpp 1.8
M +53 -4 dialogs/classgenpage.cpp 1.9
M +2 -0 dialogs/classgenpage.h 1.3
M +19 -35 listpopupmenu.cpp 1.12
M +1 -0 listpopupmenu.h 1.10
M +4 -1 pics/Makefile.am 1.4
M +15 -5 umldoc.cpp 1.23
M +49 -5 umllistview.cpp 1.21
M +2 -0 umllistview.h 1.10
M +4 -0 umllistviewitem.cpp 1.10
M +5 -2 umlnamespace.h 1.13
M +4 -3 umlobject.h 1.6
M +24 -1 umlview.cpp 1.32
M +3 -0 umlviewdata.cpp 1.12
M +5 -2 umlwidget.cpp 1.14
M +4 -0 worktoolbar.cpp 1.11
M +3 -1 worktoolbar.h 1.8
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