[Uml-devel] Umbrello2

Andrew Sutton ansutton at kent.edu
Thu Feb 27 06:28:17 UTC 2003

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 9:12 pm, P. Fleury wrote:
> Ideas of modules I'd like to see sometime:
> - list of diagrams only
> - properties of currently selected object
> - list of objects in current active diagram
> - thumbnail version of the current diagram

i gotta add "diagrams on demand". this is part of my research and a really, 
really non-trivial issue. for example, you could click on a package and get 
the inheritance diagram or the containment diagram. you could click on a 
class and get a diagram of related classes and stuff like that. this ones a 
ways out though.

> If there is a good API to the model (which will be the case, we trust
> Andy :-), and there is an API for integrating a module into the Umbrello
> framework, some modules might pop-up as the code generators did. A view
> for this, a view for that. Note too that in NetBeans, you can decide not
> to use a given view if you don't like it.

oh... there's definitely going to be an API. we'll determine its usability as 
we go ;)

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