[Uml-devel] playing around with UMLObject

Stephen Torri storri at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 26 17:45:19 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 19:10, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2003, Stephen Torri wrote:
> > What is the difference between UMLCLassifier and UMLClassiferList?
> Some thingies in UML are classifiers.  They're drawn as rectangles, the
> most famous one is a Concept also called a Class, others include
> Interfaces and Enums.  They share certain properties and so could share a
> superclass UMLClassifier in Umbrello.
> Classifiers also have lists of things, so Classes have Attributes and
> Operations famously but can also have Responsibilities and Signals and
> whatever you want (if you stereotype it).  Lists are drawn in
> compartments inside the classifier.  These could also share a common
> superclass.
> Does that explain it?

Yes it does. My confusion I guess is on the wording of the class. By
calling it UMLClassifierList it makes me think its a list of
UMLClassfier elements. It does not say to me that they are lists to hold
elements that belong in side a UMLClassier. Why not have a Container
class which Lists inherits from. That way if you want to add different
types you can.

Stephen Torri <storri at sbcglobal.net>
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