[Uml-devel] playing around with UMLObject

Stephen Torri storri at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 26 17:07:11 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 18:34, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Speaking of refactoring and that I've been thinging about playing around
> with UMLObject, to give the diagram as found at
> http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~jri/umbrello/umbrello-umlobject-design.png (and
> it looks like there's a bug in the PNG output code :)
> There's a fair amount of shared code between UMLClass and UMLInterface so
> that would go in UMLClassifier (this matches the UML metamodel),
> eventually Enums and the like would be added here also.  Also I think
> there's some code for the widgety UMLObject like actor and package etc
> which could be shared under a UMLCanvasObject (for lack of a better name).
> And it would be nice to have Attribute and Operations maybe shareing a
> superclass, which could then be used to add more list properties such as
> Responsibilities, Qt Signal and Slots etc.

What is the difference between UMLCLassifier and UMLClassiferList?

Stephen Torri <storri at sbcglobal.net>
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