[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Mon Feb 24 12:02:08 UTC 2003

On Monday 24 February 2003 20:42 Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> Ah good, glad I'm not going blind in my examining of the DTD or trying
> to use Argo.
Yeah, Argu and Poseidon are both pretty crapy tools.

> I couldn't get Together (6) to do templates, how is it done?
Select the class you want to make a template, then hit ctrl-r and choose 
Default Template in the upper-left menu and off you go. The 
menu-clickin-way: right-click class, click "Choose Pattern...".

> They're called Paramaterised Classes in UML.  Java calls the
> Generics, or will do when they exist.
I meant the XMI/UML DTD not UML in general. I was really looking forward 
to having support for them in Umbrello and now here we are, looking 
better than Argo and Poseidon ;)
One obvious way to come around the template problem are stereotypes, but 
why use them when there's support for templates in UML.

Are those Generics a planned feature for Java? And is the whole world 
programming Java or what? ;)))

Aah, newest CVS version just finished compiling.

Best regards,
"only wimps use backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" - linus torvalds

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