[Uml-devel] libcodegenerator.la

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Tue Feb 18 12:36:08 UTC 2003

On Tuesday 18 February 2003 13:16 Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> I think the .la file is needed in /usr/lib for the usual libtool
> reasons and in /usr/share/apps/umbrello/codegenerators so that Umbrello
> can find it when it's looking for code generation libraries.
Alrite. Thanks for that part. I'll tell the package maintainer about that.

> Well if you're using it for your dissertation then I'm sure you'll have
> come across annoyances and found features which are wanting.  You'd
> need to work with the current KDE CVS version because there have been
> changes in the Umbrello code.  Try putting umbrello into bugs.kde.org
> for ideas. Ensuring setModified() is called when it should be (and only
> when it should be) comes to mind as something which should be done.
That's exactly what I had in mind. I'm doing the dissertation together 
with a friend who is of course although using Umbrello and came up with 
some things until now. But I guess I'm better off checking the CVS for 
those things ;)

What about Umbrello 2? Any plans for now about that? I remember reading a 
lot of stuff in the list archive, but I don't know, if that's the whole 
story. Any useful hints, links or whatsoever?

And another question (while we're at it). How many developers work on 
Umbrello for now? Is the list on umbrello.org complete?

Best Regards and thanks for answers,

And btw: I'm reading the list, so no need to cc to my address ;))
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