[Uml-devel] libcodegenerator.la

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Sun Feb 16 10:35:13 UTC 2003

Hi everyone,

a few days ago I checked the Mandrake Cooker Umbrello RPM and found it not 
having libcodegenerator.la in /usr/share/apps/umbrello/codegenerators, 
but only in /usr/lib. Assuming prefix in /usr, of course. My question in 
that case is: why two libcodegenerator.la in two different places? The 
package maintainer wasn't really satisfied with leaving both .la files in 
both places, so I'll ask you guys, because it kind of seems to be 
important that libcodegenerator.la is put into 
/usr/share/apps/umbrello/codegenerators. Otherwise the code generation 
doesn't work, which is the case in the recent Cooker RPM ;(

I hope, you can help me out here ;)

Best Regards,
"only wimps use backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" - linus torvalds

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