[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri Feb 7 18:36:01 UTC 2003

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> CVS commit by jriddell:
> Added undo and redo feature

Well it seems to work.  Nothing subtle, it just saves the document (using
saveToXMI() ) whenever it's modified and loads the whole thing back up
again when you click undo.

I tried using serialise() rather than saveToXMI(), which should save
memory, but it didn't work (no widgets appeared in the diagram).  Since
saveToXMI() did work I didn't investigate too much but it's only a few
lines of code difference if anyone wants to.

There's some flickering of the widgets as the document is reloaded but I'm
wanting to move the current QSplitter arangement to a QDockWindow one
anyway so I'd look at it then.

The resizing of the canvas needs looking at.

Occationally redo crashes.  Not sure why.

I think that's all, guid nicht.

Jonathan Riddell

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