[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Dec 20 00:20:02 UTC 2003

CVS commit by okellogg: 

loadFromXMI, saveToXMI: Lightweight changes towards zapping bug
56184 (uml13.dtd conformance.)
The more heavyweight stuff will have to wait till after the 1.2 release.

  M +53 -11    umlobject.cpp   1.17

--- kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/umlobject.cpp  #1.16:1.17
@@ -216,11 +216,29 @@ bool UMLObject::saveToXMI( QDomDocument 
         qElement.setAttribute( "xmi.id", m_nId );
         qElement.setAttribute( "name", m_Name );
+        if (! m_Doc.isEmpty())
         qElement.setAttribute( "documentation", m_Doc );
         if (m_pUMLPackage)
                 qElement.setAttribute( "packageid", m_pUMLPackage->getID() );
-        qElement.setAttribute( "scope", m_Scope );
+        switch (m_Scope) {
+                case Uml::Public:
+                        qElement.setAttribute( "visibility", "public" );
+                        break;
+                case Uml::Protected:
+                        qElement.setAttribute( "visibility", "protected" );
+                        break;
+                case Uml::Private:
+                        qElement.setAttribute( "visibility", "private" );
+                        break;
+        }
+        if (! m_Stereotype.isEmpty())
         qElement.setAttribute( "stereotype", m_Stereotype );
-        qElement.setAttribute( "abstract", m_bAbstract );
-        qElement.setAttribute( "static", m_bStatic );
+        if (m_bAbstract)
+                qElement.setAttribute( "isAbstract", "true" );
+        else
+                qElement.setAttribute( "isAbstract", "false" );
+        if (m_bStatic)
+                qElement.setAttribute( "ownerScope", "classifier" );
+        else
+                qElement.setAttribute( "ownerScope", "instance" );
         return true;
@@ -230,13 +248,37 @@ bool UMLObject::loadFromXMI( QDomElement
         m_Name = element.attribute( "name", "" );
         m_Doc = element.attribute( "documentation", "" );
-        QString scope = element.attribute( "scope", "-1" );
+        if (element.hasAttribute("scope")) {        // for bkwd compat.
+                QString scope = element.attribute( "scope", "200" );
+                m_Scope = (Scope)scope.toInt();
+        } else {
+                QString visibility = element.attribute( "visibility", "public" );
+                if (visibility == "private")
+                        m_Scope = Uml::Private;
+                else if (visibility == "protected")
+                        m_Scope = Uml::Protected;
+                else
+                        m_Scope = Uml::Public;
+        }
         m_Stereotype = element.attribute( "stereotype", "" );
+        if( element.hasAttribute("abstract") ) {     // for bkwd compat.
         QString abstract = element.attribute( "abstract", "0" );
+                m_bAbstract = (bool)abstract.toInt();
+        } else {
+                QString isAbstract = element.attribute( "isAbstract", "false" );
+                m_bAbstract = (isAbstract == "true");
+        }
+        if( element.hasAttribute("static") ) {       // for bkwd compat.
         QString staticScope = element.attribute( "static", "0" );
+                m_bStatic = (bool)staticScope.toInt();
+        } else {
+                QString ownerScope = element.attribute( "ownerScope", "instance" );
+                m_bStatic = (ownerScope == "classifier");
+        }
         m_nId = id.toInt();
-        m_Scope = (Scope)scope.toInt();
-        m_bAbstract = (bool)abstract.toInt();
-        m_bStatic = (bool)staticScope.toInt();
         if( m_nId == -1 || m_Scope == -1 )
                 return false;

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