[Uml-devel] Linux Magazine article

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Wed Aug 6 05:13:06 UTC 2003

The August English language edition of Linux Magazine contains a
translation of the German article on Umbrello the published a few months ago.

It makes some critisisms, mostly fair.  Would have been nice if the
article concentrated more on the uses of Umbrello but there we go.

Seb's e-mail to them the last time must have been noticed, there's a
box which says..

Umbrello Update

Some of the issues mentioned in this article have been fixed in the
current version, for example, the current version now has an undo
function, drawing engine bugs have been fixed, and new source code
generators have been added.

The new version is due to be released with KDE 3.2 in a few weeks
time, and can be downloaded via CVS in the meantime.  The project
homepage provides further details.

Additionally, the Umbrello team has alread embarked upon a complete
re-write, which will eventually culminate in the release of Umbrello
2.  Although work is in progress n the new version, it will definately
be a few months until a stable release is available.  Some of the
weaknesses pointed out int he article such as the cluttered tree view
of the model, have been target for the revision in Umbrello 2.

The new development relies to a great extent on input from the user
community; and the more ideas the community supplies, the more the
developers can add to the new program design.

Which is also a bit out of date, but I guess that's what you get for
re-printing 3 month old articles :)

Jonathan Riddell

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