[Uml-devel] new u2 stuff
Andrew Sutton
asutton at mcs.kent.edu
Thu Apr 24 17:30:11 UTC 2003
man, i really screwed the pooch on configuration management today :) the build
should be "stable" right now though. at least its compiling...
anyway, what i've done:
- basically rewrote the entire plugin system to use KPart::Plugins. this
includes fun stuff like installing ui.rc files for each plugin in
- rewrote the umbrello2 application to use a KPart::ReadWritePart to house the
main view (which is currently just an empty KListView as a place holder). i
figure we can plug other views (like diagrams into that).
- finished the uber-generic XMI parser. it will now correctly parse the xmi
files that define metamodels and establish the meta-object relations between
the created objects and the code that implements them. its actually pretty
sly. i'm very happy with it.
that's the good stuff. here's the bad stuff:
- completely broke the plugin loading protocol.
- crippled any functionality that i had already achieved
that's about it, but it should be back on line tomorrow. because the plugins
are now loaded automatically, it doesn't make sense to keep using the plugin
loader to load meta models on demand. if they're exist in the kparplugins dir
for umbrello2, they're going to be loaded anyway - although they're just
going to add stuff to the menu or the toolbar - maybe.
what i need to do tomorrow is re-define the loading protocol and just make it
an initialization protocol. in other words, when the application starts up,
look at the plugins that are in the umbrello2rc file (or whatever rc file)
and call "init" on them. we can't guarantee the order of that KParts loads
plugins, but we can use the old loading framework to control the order in
which they're initialized. this will, for example control the loading of MOF
before the loading of UML - and it provides the opportunity to parse the xmi
for the rest of the gui - here's what i'm thinking. we can continue using
plugins to load by default. by controlling the initialization of the plugins
(not the loading), we can have plugins create KParts that provide views that
can be integrated into the application. or, we can have kparts that load
other kparts. essentially, its a massive chain of loading shared libraries.
sometime soon, i'm going to start work on the model view - the list view from
1.x - only i'm going to build it as a kpart that's loaded and set as a
default view by the umbrello2 kpart (libu2_umbrello2 - not to be confused
with libumbrello2 which is the core library). i can use this view to register
action collections defined by various metamodels. for example, there's going
to be an enormous action collection supported by UML. those would all be
registered in various forms with the model view to do fun things like create
packages, classes, stereotypes, use cases - whatever.
so, hopefully by this weekend i'll have completed the rewrite of the load
protocol and been able to bring the old functionality back online in addition
to some other goodies, like a UML menu that's added by the UML metamodel
plugin and supports fun things like a stereotype definition menu.
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