[Uml-devel] Solaris 9 Package

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Sun Apr 13 10:20:05 UTC 2003

Hey everyone,

you'll find an Umbrello package for Solaris 9 at 
Tomorrow I'll put up all additional packages like arts, kdelibs, kdebase, 
cups, qt etc. If you need those, please be patient, I only have a dialup 
connection and the kde- and qt-packages are rather large.

Spec for Umbrello Package:
Version: 1.1.1
Prefix: /opt/kde
Build with gcc 3.2.2 (from sunfreeware.com) on Solaris 9 Release 9/02 
without Xrender (if I have the time to upgrade my Ultra5 to Solaris 9 
12/02, I'll try to build all packages with Xft2 and fontconfig).
Qt: 3.1.2
KDE: 3.1.1(a) - should also work with KDE 3.1.0
Additional Libraries: libart, libpng (from sunfreeware.com)

The packages were created with the Solaris Packaging Tools 

In the next days I'll also upload a more recent package of current CVS, 
since I use the CVS version anyway ;)

Please let me know, if the package worked for you and inform me about bugs 
and wishes.

"only wimps use backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" - linus torvalds

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