[Uml-devel] Re: where can we add our features to your Umbrello-project?

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue Apr 1 07:13:17 UTC 2003

On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, farkas tamas wrote:

> Hi!
> Thanks for the reply!
> Now, I send a source of our program to you.
> The application is very simple, it can works without an Umbrello, but it
> uses an Umbrello`s xmi-file.
> The short story and the description:
> We began to use Umbrello last month.
> It looks pretty good for us, especially for the designing of the serious
> applications.
> But we couldn't find some very usefull features in it.
> One of these was the documentation-export or documentation-generation. So,
> we have began to develop a little application, which can generate
> documentation in HTML.
> It is very simple, but usefull for everyday work.
> It uses xsltproc to generate html-documents (one document per diagram).
> The components are:
> - shell-program
> - xslt-file
> - css-file for the html-document
> - property-file for the internalisation of the docoument (xslt-file uses
> it)
> In the end of the process, we have html-documents for each diagram and one
> navigational html-document.

Thanks for that, I've put it up on the website under developers tools.

This kind of thing is best addresses to the uml-devel list rather than
directly to me.

Jonathan Riddell

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