[Uml-devel] Re: [Uml-user] aggregation / composition

Andrew Sutton ansutton at kent.edu
Fri Sep 20 04:41:02 UTC 2002

> I've removed the restrictions on composition and aggregation.  Are the
> restrictions on implementation/realisation correct?
>   //one connected to widget only (a or b)

just remember that on composition/aggregation relationships, you shouldn't be 
able to specify navigability. most of the other tools get this wrong. c/a 
defines navigability from the container to the containee. containee's don't 
know about the container. if they do, it's another type of relationship.

> And can I have multiple associations of the same type between the same two
> classes?

you should be able to, although i'm not sure what kind of software you're 
designing :) just kidding. i can't think of any situations where that would 
be useful, but since you can stereotype associations, that functionality 
might service the description of different relationships between 


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