[Uml-devel] Buildsystem broken

Jens Krüger jkrueger1 at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 24 12:53:11 UTC 2002

Am Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2002 20:36 schrieb Sebastian Stein:
> Jens Krüger <jkrueger1 at users.sourceforge.net> [021024 20:08]:
> > I've tested:
> > autoconf 2.53
> > automake 1.6.3
> > libtool 1.4.2 | 1.4.3

Can you give me an example of the error messages?

> I upgrade and yes, the warning disappeared. But the error is still there.
> What is automake 1.7? Is it a test release or is it stable?

Automake 1.7.X needs autoconf 2.54 or higher, but I have always problems with 
this version. I wasn't able to use it together with the KDE macros used by 
> What can be wrong as well? Is there anything else to upgrade?
> Ok, I found a way to get around the problem. I removed the following line
> from configure.in.in:
This comes from the KDevelop and the second in configure.in is generated by 
the Makefile.common in the admin dir. I think the version of KDevelop does 
nothing know about the development in the KDE admin dir. 

> AC_OUTPUT(uml.spec Makefile uml/Makefile doc/Makefile doc/en/Makefile
> po/Makefile uml/classparser/Makefile uml/clipboard/Makefile
> uml/dialogs/Makefile uml/pics/Makefile doc/en/pics/Makefile
> uml/codegenerators/Makefile uml/headings/Makefile )
Only one occurance is necessary. The autotools find nothing by themselves. 

> Are they really necessary? I mean shouldn't the autotools find these things
> by themselves? On my system they does. Ok, I know autotools are really
> ugly.
> Steinchen

Jens Krüger

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