[Uml-devel] PHP support and some fixing (was Re: wishlist)

Sebastian Stein s5228 at informatik.htw-dresden.de
Fri Oct 18 08:54:04 UTC 2002

Jens Krüger <jkrueger1 at users.sourceforge.net> [021018 16:46]:
> Am Freitag, 18. Oktober 2002 17:26 schrieb Jens Krüger:
> > You are right,
> >
> > I did forget to ask all other for the adding of this feature.
> >
> > Because I don't nothing about your release plans (time scale), it is
> > difficult to save all good ideas and implementations for the next release.
> What do you think about a '-pre3' or so in the 
> 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(umbrello, 1.1-pre3)' macro in the configure.in.in ?
> So everybody knows that this is the released version. 

Why not? But it is another point to be updated every time we release a new
version and so we may forget it in the future ;-)

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