[Uml-devel] Please review this patch

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Wed Oct 16 08:42:03 UTC 2002

> > I tried it too to solve these feature request, and I saw the only way to do
> > this in a reimplementation of the UMLWidget class. You have to do the
> > deleting in this class. If you have the focus you may catch the key events
> > and if you 'accept()' this event you may solve this problem.
> Ok, on Friday I will see again what I can do about it. It was really just a
> wild guess.

The problem (I think) that you were suing Qt::Key_ctrl when it should be
just Qt::CTRL.
I reworked the key action stuff into using KActions which is a nicer way
to do these things.  I put it in CVS because I think (hope) it works fine.

Sebastian: was there a reason for the mouse cursor to be changed to the
previous tool when deleteing?

Thanks for the patch.

Jonathan Riddell

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