[Uml-devel] Future features

Sebastian Stein s5228 at informatik.htw-dresden.de
Tue Oct 15 13:35:06 UTC 2002

Andrew Sutton <ansutton at kent.edu> [021015 19:50]:
> > Good point I also thought about the versioning problem. I used the tool
> > Case 4.0 for about one year and it was really great. But I had allways to
> > do backups of the project file to save versions.
> xmi's difference capabilities support versioning in the file itself. 
> additions, subtractions and alterations of an existing model would be 
> appended to the xmi file as <xmi.add>, <xmi.remove>, and <xmi.modify> 
> elements within an <xmi.change> tag (i think those are the tags - i need to 
> look it up again - anyway, the functionality is the same if the names are 
> different).

That's very interesting. So it would be possible to have this information as
well in a database. And why not export the database to an zipped xmi file so
that it can be stored in a CM/CVS tool? And I'm pretty sure you can map a
xml document to a relational db, there might be automatic solutions around
to parse a dtd and create the database. (I haven't checked but I could
imagine this)

> i thought about this too and came up with the same problems. if you take the 
> uml/mof (mof defines model management facilities - sort of) standards at face 
> value, then all the interfaces are defined in corba (eck). if the 
> implementation actually used corba then, theoretically, multiple developers 
> could work on an online model where all changes are persisted immediately.

Yes, and that would be very complicated. But ok, I think this solution
wouldn't be more complicated than the db solution.

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