[Uml-devel] [CVS] update: (filter not found?)
Luis De la Parra
lparrab at gmx.net
Thu Oct 10 10:57:04 UTC 2002
for me it works just fine, but I'll check it out as soon as I find some free
for now I'm sending the file as attach so you can start testing right away.
Note that the file is at the very top directory (at the level where the CVS
directory, README file, etc. are) I put it there because I didnt want to put
it "with the other code" untill you see it. ... maybe you have it there but
if you are looking for it in the directory where all the .cpp and .h are, you
are not seeing it.
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Name: umlfilter4to5.cpp
Type: text/x-c++src
Size: 11528 bytes
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URL: <http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/umbrello-devel/attachments/20021010/05f909a3/attachment.cpp>
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