Fwd: [Uml-devel] [ uml-Feature Requests-628491 ] Umbrello does not compile on RedHat 7.3

Luis De la Parra Blum lparrab at gmx.net
Sun Nov 3 14:27:02 UTC 2002

Hi Pascal,
>2002/10/25 does no longer compile on a RedHat 7.3
>(fully updated).
>the problem is that it looks for a program (mcopidl)
>which was shipping with arts-devel in earlier version
>of that RH RPM, but no longer is part of it.

could you explain this again?
do you mean that mcopidl was shipping with the arts-devel RPM on redhat
and now is not there anymore, and because of that the building of Umbrello is 
what does this program do? I just checked and I have it in my computer,
but no idea what it is good for..

and anyways... why do we need this? I think this is a fake-dependency in the 
build configuration.


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