[Uml-devel] close bug

Luis De la Parra Blum lparrab at gmx.net
Sun Nov 3 14:27:02 UTC 2002

On Saturday 02 November 2002 17:48, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> > bug 626966 ( moving all selected objects at once ) has been fixed.
> I havn't seen anything commited to fix this and I don't see it fixed when
> I run Umbrello.  I can select multipe objects but they are unselected when
> I right click and when I move them (except the one that I click on).

I never claimed to have fixed the bug, I just said it should be closed because 
I think it's been fixed...

1 -put several objects in a diagram
2- click on one of them (normal click, ie, left button) --> item gets selected
3 - while holding down the shift key click on another item --> the item is 
added to the selection
4 - repeat step 3 untill you have all the itmes you want to move
5 - while still holding down the shift key, move the items --> all of them 
move *

*note: if an item was already selected and you cick on it again, it gets 
deselected.. that means you should select all the items but one normally, and 
for the last item, you should click on it holding the shift button (as 
normal) BUT, dont let the click go, (hold the mouse button down) so that you 
have all the items selected and the mouse button is donw (so that you can 
move the items)

I havent updated my copy for some days now, but I doubt some one has broken 
this in the last couple of days =)
and for me it works always... Im not sure, but I think the patch that fixed 
this came from Jens(????) a while ago, I just realized the bug was still 
open, and thats why I said it should be closed.



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