[Uml-devel] Update
Paul Hensgen
paul_hensgen at hotmail.com
Mon May 20 16:48:03 UTC 2002
After a hard weeks coding I've finally got something to show you. Not to
many visual things done to program but alot done.
* over 80+ bugs fixed
* changed the program structure. No longer use any definitions in 'ot.h'
except the FILEVERSION on which is easily replaced. This means any code you
didn't have in cvs last tuesday probably incompatiable. This change was
needed if we want this program in KDE.
* started moving member variables over to m_.. format (please use this like
* added setting dialogs to uml (still to be completed)
* heaps of work on the asosciation classes. You can now move the segments
with the mouse.
* associations drawn properly.
* started fixing the documentation up. please use the following for all
functions(this is for me to):
* other things I can't remember at the moment.
* changed configure script back to old one as new one would work on red hat
I would like release a stable snapshot on the 1/7/02 so don't add any new
features to the cvs that won't be completed by 24/7/02. Completed means
fully bug tested. This means getting all features that are in the program
working good. We are still a long way off this.
A few points of interest:
1) Until 17/7/02 I won't have full internet access and can only update cvs
on tues. and sat. And then only from a windows machine, meaning I can't test
that the cvs will compile. Please be aware of this.
2) I will be working on the program full-time until at least the 17/7/02 and
at maybe a bit longer. This means the program will grow alot over the next
month or so. With all these changes, code you are working on can become
obselete without you knowing it. E-Mail me if you are working on something
specific so I can TRY not to touch/change it.
3) Until I get full internet access and with the program changing so much,
my preferred methos for updating the program with your code would be for you
to send small patches to:
paul_hensgen at hotmail.com
and then mail uml-devel list with what you have done. I will then see if
the patches are needed or if I have already superceded the code.
Things I plan to do over the next week are:
1) bug test
2) finish settings dialog
3) finish association code
4) bug test
5) change QWidget to QCanvas - not that big of a job. Can get very stable
in time for release.
6) get load/save working (UPDATE gustavo doing this gustavo Ive done
a lot of work in CAssociationWidget) Let me know if this won't be completed
by sat. I will check sat. if not complete i will finish. just send me a
patch of it or update cvs.
7) get cut/paste code working properly
8) some other minor things and other things I can't think of atm.
If you plan to do anything over the next week or two before release let me
I will try and get the cvs updated today. Still having major problems with
wincvs on win98 machine.
Also not sure how to override the files there that have a higher revision
number but really are not.
Will e-mail back success within the hour.
Let get this program stable!!!
Paul Hensgen
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