[Uml-devel] CVS should now compile
Jens Krüger
jens_krueger at frm2.tu-muenchen.de
Mon Jul 22 00:38:06 UTC 2002
I made a cvs update. I tried to view the startlogo.png file with the help of
GIMP. I got the following message:
libpng error: PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion
I look with the cvs status command on the state of the file and I saw that it
was not checked in or added to the cvs as a binary file (no -kb option find
in the Sticky options). I suggest to add this flag to all .png files in the
CVS to avoid problems, because the are binary files. We can do it by
cvs admin -kb *.png
The current version of the startlogo.png is not broken, but if we want to
change it I'am afraid it will be broken without marking it as binary.
Jonathan, can you do this job? (You have access to the CVS)
Am Sonntag, 21. Juli 2002 04:19 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> I merged Paul H's incomplete commit with the slightly older files from
> Luis. I'm not sure if any of Paul's changes since Luis' file has actually
> survived. It should now compile (worked for me) and a brief testing of
> the programme says that everything is in order there.
> You'll have noticed that I also set up the CVS commits to mailing list
> script.
> Tomorrow I'll add .cvsignore's and delete unneeded files and maybe look at
> that patch which is needing looked at.
> Did anyone else get the thread titled "[Uml-devel] more stuff for CVS"
> from 16th March on the 20th? Most confusing.
> Guid nicht
> Jonathan Riddell
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Jens Krüger
Technische Universität München
Lichtenberg-Str. 1
D-85747 Garching
Tel: + 49 89 289 14 716
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