Discogs requests
Jared Breland
jbreland at legroom.net
Sun Feb 9 00:14:19 GMT 2025
thanks, Robby! Me and the command line are old friends, so no worries
there. :-)
I get wanting to avoid clutter for a feature that probably very few
people need, so that makes sense. I'd just suggest adding a note about
this to the documentation somewhere as this would be be pretty much
impossible to discover on your own.
But seriously, thanks for both this and the image size fix. Very much
appreciated. Looking forward to the next release.
Jared Breland
jbreland at legroom.net
On 2/8/25 4:09 PM, Robby Stephenson wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 5:13 PM Robby Stephenson <robby at periapsis.org>
> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 12:22 PM Jared Breland
> <jbreland at legroom.net> wrote:
> 1. You introduced a change to split discs into different
> tracklists, as reported in bug 479503. This is a neat feature,
> and something I struggled with as I began cataloging, but at
> this point I have over 1300 albums cataloged the "old" way,
> with all tracks in a single list (I use a comment field to
> note which tracks belong to which discs). Converting all of my
> old albums to the new format is infeasible at this point, and
> I'd really prefer not to change the format for newer albums,
> resulting in the extra disc tracklists that are present but
> empty on all of my other albums (including all of my old
> multi-disc albums).
> This is definitely a useful feature and one I would've used if
> I was just starting, but would it be possible to add an option
> to choose whether you /want/ to split your albums into
> separate track lists or continue using the old single-list
> format? That way anyone getting started can leverage the new
> capability, and users with large existing collections can
> continue maintaining them without a significant change.
> Thanks for that feedback. I hadn't thought about existing
> collections all that much. I don't think it would be too hard to
> add an option to do as you suggest. I'll see what I can do.
> OK, I've added an option to revert to the previous behavior, but I'm
> not going to expose it in the UI to avoid clutter. Instead, you'll
> need to edit the config file directly and add a line to the Discogs group
> Split Tracks By Disc=false
> This can be done via the command-line like so:
> 1. Note how many data sources you have
> $ kreadconfig6 --file tellicorc --key "Sources Count" --group "Data
> Sources"
> 2. Then loop over all of them to find the Discogs group (replace X
> with the number of sources)
> $ for i in $(seq 0 X); do echo -n "$i: "; kreadconfig6 --file
> tellicorc --key Name --group "Data Source $i"; done
> 3. Then find the number of the Discogs group (replace X with the
> number), and update the setting
> $ kwriteconfig6 --file tellicorc --group "Data Source X" --key "Split
> Tracks By Disc" false
> Replace kreadconfig6 with kreadconfig5, if you're still using Qt5. If
> you're not comfortable with the command line, I apologize, but I just
> didn't want to add another checkbox in the graphical settings. This
> setting can be used for Discogs, Musicbrainz, or iTunes. Let me know
> if any of that is unclear or you have questions.
> This will be in version 4.1.1 that I hope to have released within a
> week or so. Tracked via Bus 499401
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=499401
> Robby
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