Tellico reports: user filters for selection?

Richard Lyons richard at
Wed Sep 25 12:55:06 BST 2024

Good day!

Em seg 23 set 2024 à 16:49:17 -0400, Robby Stephenson escreveu :


> A little more info at

Thanks, that basically solved almost all my problems. I have pulled the
css from 'darkmystery' template into a separate file, and found where to
make that template list more than just the first item. I can now tweak
it to produce all of the reports I need.

I am very pleased with tellico as a tool for managing our studio-full of
artworks. I have found worarounds for my other specific needs, such as
supplementary images.

I hope this will be my final question for now:

Reports: Is there anything in Tellico to allow user input of a filter
for selecting which items to include in the chosen report? For example,
to select by tag, location, artist, or from certain dates?

If not, I will have to write an external script to modify the template
before use, which I assume will not be hard. Or perhaps have the
templates read an external text file which can be set up with the filter
for the current use case.

Last question: Do you have a route for donations?

Very best wishes,


Richard Lyons 

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