problem extracting year from date

Richard Lyons richard at
Mon Oct 7 20:33:01 BST 2024


I have three date fields in the tellico database I have created. Two are
cdate and mdate, and do not concern me here.  The other is the date of
creation of the artwork in the collection. Tellico formats dates as 

        <year>     </year>
        <month>    </month>
        <day>      </day>

For various reports, I want to insert just the year.

Other fields are exctacted easily with , for example

    <xsl:value-of select="$entry/tc:altura"/>

but <xsl:value-of select="$entry/tc:data"/> outputs
a space-separated array, eg '2023 09 16'

How should I get just  '2013'  ? I have failed to discover a way of
outputting just the grand-child <year>. Shall I need to take a substring
(0,3) of the array? I do not know how to do that either  :-(

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Richard Lyons 

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