Using Tellico do make a website

Bill Gee bgee at
Fri Feb 23 18:09:25 GMT 2024

This is also my use case for HTML.  I generate a "Group View" report, 
then save it as an HTML file.  I copy the file over to my tablet 
computer.  At the bookstore or garage sale I can quickly open it and 
scroll through.  It has saved me from buying duplicates MANY times!

My tablet runs Android 7.  The HTML viewer on it works well with these 
simple files.  My music file has over 4500 albums in it.  Scrolling to 
the end is a bit tedious, but not all that bad.

I tried printing the report to a PDF file.  The problem is the resulting 
file is nearly 40 megabytes, compared to about 600K for the html file. 
The PDF viewer on my tablet chokes on files that large.

Bill Gee

On 2/23/24 08:54, Jared Breland wrote:
> On 2/22/24 10:58, José Marcio Martins da Cruz wrote:
>> When I go to a bookstore, sometimes I need to check if a book I'm 
>> thinking to buy I don't have it already... ;-) So, the web pages need 
>> to be consultable in a smartphone.

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