Case insensitive sorting

Robby Stephenson robby at
Wed May 3 02:59:17 BST 2023

On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 4:57 PM Bill Gee <bgee at> wrote:

> Is there a way to produce reports where the sorting is case INsensitive?

The sorting uses XSL which is language dependent, and for english, at
least, seems to default to what you note, that lower-case is sorted after

I'll see if I can find some sort of solution or option. In the mean-time,
if you make a copy of the Group_View.xsl file in the report-templates
folder, and edit line 153 or thereabouts to change
    <xsl:sort lang="$lang" select="@title"/>
    <xsl:sort lang="$lang" select="translate(@title,

that will convert all the lower-case characters to upper-case before
sorting. Obviously, that only works for the 26 ascii characters represented
there, but at least it's a workaround.

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