
Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Sat Jun 10 21:38:54 BST 2023

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 7:30 AM Pedro Laia <mail at pedrolaia.com> wrote:

> 2 - I created a template for a collection, saved it and it works great,
> but if I close the application, when opening again the same collection, the
> template in function is another one. My created template is still there,
> but I must select it to activate.
> Is it a Custom collection? Right now the entry templates are saved for each
> collection type, so custom collections all share the same default.
> Yes, its a Custom Collection. So, this is normal behaviour ?
If you're only using one custom collection, then Tellico should remember
which template you assign. It's when you have multiple with different where
Tellico doesn't connect the template with the collection.

> Have you tried Tellico 3.5? I thought I'd fixed that problem but maybe I
> didn't capture your exact case?https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=462337
> I'm in 3.2. Usually I update using the Update Manager in Linux Mint, but
> Tellico doesn't show up in there. How can I update Tellico without losing
> my preferences ?
Your preferences should be fine when you upgrade. I'm not familiar with how
Linux Mint offers updates for new releases. You may have to compile it

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