Music collection, sort by artist?

Morten Bo Johansen mbj at
Sun Feb 6 09:49:06 GMT 2022

On 2022-02-05 Bill Gee wrote:

> Hmmm.....   It works great for me.  Screen shot attached.
> Do you have anything in the Artist field?

Thank you.

Sorry, it was probably something of my own making: The
collection I was working with was a mixture of some manually
added entries and some entries that I looked up on Discogs.
Now, when I start a new collection and only use Discogs, it
seems everything is okay, so I may just stick to that. It is
very cool, btw: I just use the, usually seven-digit record
number (e.g. "2530078"), in a _keyword_ search query and then
the correct entry from Discogs pops up ;)


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