Multi-disc albums

Robby Stephenson robby at
Sat Nov 6 23:32:54 GMT 2021

On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 9:54 AM Bill Gee <bgee at> wrote:

> For both CDs I used File - Import - Audio File Meta Data.  The first CD I
> set for "Append to collection" and the second I set to "Merge with
> collection".  Since the album title on all of the files is the same, the
> merge worked.  There is only one Tellico record for that album, and it has
> two tabs labeled "Tracks" and "Tracks (CD2)".  The content under each tab
> matches the content of the respective disc.  So far, so good!
> Well, almost.  Now EVERY album in the database has a tab called "Tracks
> (CD2)".  Is there a way to make that tab disappear when there is only one
> disc?

No, there's no way to hide the tab right now. There's a wishlist bug for
that one.

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