Suggestion for modification to 'Report' list

Robby Stephenson robby at
Sun May 23 19:15:52 BST 2021

Hi Spencer,

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 7:43 AM Spencer Collyer <
spencer at> wrote:

> In the 'Report' list (the one on the LHS of the Tellico window) it would
> be handy if the entries could be made two level. By this I mean they'd be
> grouped by initial letter for the alphabetical ones, and maybe decade for
> the year-based ones.
> So when looking at Author, rather than having all the authors displayed at
> once, you'd have a listing of 'A' to 'Z', and then those could be opened up
> to show the authors with names beginning with that letter. If preferred,
> this could be made optional.

Thanks for sending the suggestion. There have been similar requests a
number of times, partially captured in for example. Your example of
A-Z listing or by years is a good one, as well. I'll add that to the
wishlist tracker.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to take a shot at adding that functionality,
but we'll see.

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