Create a data source for Tellico

Xavier Brochard xavier at
Sun Feb 25 22:13:33 UTC 2018

Le dimanche 25 février 2018, 22:36:14 CET Robby Stephenson a écrit :
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Alexandre Carvalho <
> alexandrejacarvalho at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I want to create a data source for tellico, but that data source needs to
> > have a crawler in python and that crawler needs to parse the reply from
> > the
> > website (
> > 
> > How can I integrate the script with Tellico?
> There are a couple of scripts in the Tellico source that parse data
> sources. One of them is Though it's a little out of date with
> regard to the allocine website, it might help you get started with script
> development. Please feel free to ask any specific questions. The basic idea
> is to parse the data and create a Tellico XML file as output.

The weboob tools (Web Outside Of Browser) can help. It is a Python + Qt 
framework dedicated to website parsing.
"Weboob is a collection of applications able to interact with websites, 
without requiring the user to open them in a browser. It also provides well-
defined APIs to talk to websites lacking one."

Xavier Brochard 
« La liberté est à l'homme ce que les ailes sont à l'oiseau »
(Jean-Pierre Rosnay)

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