[Tellico-users] how to populate a new field from internet service

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Fri Apr 25 03:03:43 UTC 2014

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Xavier Brochard <xavier at alternatif.org>wrote:

> Hello
> I would like to add some fields to be populated when harvesting from
> internet services.
> For example, I added an "ean" field in the data : collection and this xsl
> definition in amazon2tellico.xsl file
>   <ean>
>    <xsl:value-of select="aws:EAN"/>
>   </ean>
> But if I request an update from Amazon, the field is not populated.
> What did I missed ?

You also need to define the EAN field in the amazon2tellico.xsl file. Since
you already created that field in your current collection, export it to a
temporary XML file and look inside there for something that looks like this:

<field title="EAN" flags="6" category="Publishing" format="0" type="1"

Take that line and add it up near the top of the amazon2tellico.xsl file,
where there are field lines for the images. Then give it a shot.

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