[Tellico-users] Telllico crashes and Amazon DE and GB fails

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Sun Feb 26 22:49:22 UTC 2012

Thanks, Axel!

On 02/22/2012 03:10 PM, Axel Gerber wrote:
> Here it comes after activating the below mentioned debugging things.
> The UPC's I used:
> 724382975229 (Pink Floyd)
> 094635744729 (Ben Harper)
> 707787906425 (Blues Company)
> 707787908122 (Blues Company)
> 886973632925 (Johnny Cash)
> They can be found in USA but not in DE, at all (but I found them in the past
> in DE, where sometimes the comments or the titles are better, not just because
> I'm German ;>)
> multi search crashes reliably, no matter which source.
> Please find attached the kcrash file and my complete data base as well (sorry,
> big file, can hardly compress).

I believe I fixed the crashing bug, the backtrace was perfect for 
tracking that down.

I also think I improved the UPC searching. Evidently, a 12-digit US UPC 
value needs to have '0' prepended to make a EAN-13 value for non-US 
sites. So if you want to search Amazon DE for 724382975229, for example, 
put a 0 in the front, 0724382975229. I just updated Tellico to do that 
automatically from now on. For your current version, you can add the 0 

Thanks for reporting!

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