[Tellico-users] Crash at column sorting

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Mon Nov 16 15:26:52 UTC 2009

On Friday 13 November 2009, Mehmet Nur Olcay wrote:
> The crash is there but just realised that the crash is happening with my
>  old database that has been created with 1.3.x. Tried to create a new
>  database with 2.1, there's no crash with new one.
> Not sure, may be something broken with my old database or database
>  migration process.

This bug is confusing  me cause I  still can't reproduce it, even with the 
file you sent. If you run from the command-line, is there any assert or 
debug statement right before the crash?

Thanks for your help with this,

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