[Tellico-users] YAZ Login and Password and Update Problems

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Mon Aug 31 15:30:02 UTC 2009

On Saturday 29 August 2009, Thomas Ronayne wrote:
> I've suddenly had problems with Tellico-1.3.5 -- a "known-good" ISBN
> returned no results from any source (the book exists at Amazon.com,
> found by searching using the ISBN). Also, attempting to update an older
> entry also failed to find anything.

Amazon searches no longer work for Tellico 1.3.5 and earlier versions.

> So, OK, there have been some system updates, let's just recompile
> Tellico and go that way -- I rebuilt the package (this is Slackware, so
> it's a package manager) from scratch, no errors, and the first time I
> started and searched Tellico I get a pop-up wanting the YAZ login and
> password?

I'm not sure about that one. You're searching a z39.50 source?


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