TagLib 2.0 beta

Urs Fleisch urs.fleisch at gmail.com
Sun Dec 24 15:02:24 GMT 2023

Hi TagLib users,

We plan to release version 2.0 in a month. TagLib 2.0 is the continuation of
the master branch, not the former taglib2 branch, which has been renamed to
experimental. Therefore, I hope that the migration from version 1.13.1 to
will be smooth. However, this release is binary incompatible, therefore
applications have to be rebuilt against version 2.0. It is mostly source
compatible, therefore simple applications should be built without changes,
it should be possible to migrate other applications without bad surprises,
the compiler errors and the CHANGELOG.md should provide enough information.

You can get the source archive and an overview of the changes from
https://taglib.org. In the online API documentation https://taglib.org/api/
will find a link to the updated installation instructions (INSTALL.md).

It would be great if you could test your applications before the release
month. If you encounter any problems or find another issue such as a binary
incompatible change which should have been done but was forgotten, then
report it.

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