Saving custom tags

Tattooed Eyes tattoooedeyes at
Sat Oct 15 01:29:15 BST 2022


I am currently testing out Taglib in my Mac OS X application that is written in swift.  I do not have much experiences with c++ or objective C, but I have managed to write a wrapper that gives me access to all tags that are defined in Taglib for each file type.  I cannot find a way to save custom tags to any of the file types though.  Is it possible to save custom tags using Taglib?  I want to allow users to create and save custom tags for instances where they want to use a tag that is not already defined in Taglib.  How would I go about this?  Would I need to edit code in Taglib or can I accomplish this using my Obj-c / Swift wrapper?  Could you please explain how to do this or share some code that might help?  Thank you so much!


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