Release 1.12

Scott Wheeler scott at
Thu Dec 3 23:04:18 GMT 2020

> On 1 Dec 2020, at 18:04, Urs Fleisch <urs.fleisch at> wrote:
> I will have quite some time over the Christmas holidays, so just tell
> me what I can do for the 1.12 release.

Again, the things I highlighted:  I added you to the project, so primarily going through pull requests and bug reports and merging / closing those.

If there’s a bunch of stuff that you’re looking at and trying to decide what to work on, I know the MP3, Ogg and WAV codebases well since I wrote them.  On all of the other formats, I also have to read all of the surrounding code to figure out what’s going on, so they’re a pretty level playing field.


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