Any appetite for a 'normalisation' layer over non-std tags?

Michael Helmling michaelhelmling at
Sun Apr 9 21:37:17 UTC 2017

Dear Adam,

this functionality is already included in taglib - see
Tag::properties(), e.g.:
FileRef file("/path/to/file.mp3");
auto props = file.tag().properties();
for (auto &composer : props.composers())
    std::cout << "composer: " << composer << std::endl;

Best regards,

On 09.04.2017 11:54, Adam Szmigin wrote:
> Dear TagLib devs,
> Firstly, many thanks to all the contributors on TagLib - it is an
> excellent library and it has benefited me greatly in a number of
> projects I've undertaken.
> For a TagLib user wishing to read "exotic" tags, i.e. those that are
> not available via FileRef::tag(), it looks like the user has to
> construct a specific File sub-class and work with the different tag()
> (or ID3v2Tag() / xiphComment() etc!) methods to get what they want. 
> How to proceed varies based on the file format, and also to some
> extent what tagging application was used that wrote the original tags.
> The issue I find is that the tags I often work with for music are not
> so "exotic", but essential: they include things like album-artist,
> disc number, composer.  There is no universal standard for these
> fields across all file types that I know of.
> So, I have found myself writing a normalisation layer over the top of
> TagLib, which both instantiates the appropriate File sub-class given a
> path, and also tries a few different approaches to get values for this
> extended range of common but non-standardised tag fields.  Here is the
> broad interface to give an idea:
> class metadata
> {
> public:
>   metadata(const boost::filesystem::path &path);
>   ~metadata();
>   bool has_tag() const;
>   std::string album() const;
>   std::string album_artist() const;
>   std::string artist() const;
>   std::string comment() const;
>   std::string composer() const;
>   std::string copyright() const;
>   std::string date() const;
>   std::string disc_number() const;
>   std::string disc_total() const;
>   std::string encoded_by() const;
>   std::string genre() const;
>   std::string original_artist() const;
>   std::string title() const;
>   std::string track_number() const;
>   std::string track_total() const;
>   std::string url() const;
>   ..
> };
> Examples of format-specific manipulation include things like this:
> std::string disc_number() const
> {
>   auto val = prop("DISCNUMBER"); // Uses TagLib::xx::File::properties()
>   // Remove anything after forward slash, if format is "DISC/TOTAL".
>   auto pos = val.find_first_of('/');
>   if (pos != std::string::npos)
>       val.erase(pos);
>   // Remove leading zeroes
>   val.erase(0, std::min(val.find_first_not_of('0'), val.size()-1));
>   return val;
> }
> *My question is:* from a read-only perspective (and maybe read/write),
> is there any appetite for a normalisation layer like this over the top
> of TagLib?  It could either be a part of TagLib, or a separate project.
> (Ignore the use of boost and std::string vs String in the example..
> It's just illustrative.  The example was taken from a recent project
> I'm working on where the "normalisation" layer is not designed to be
> separated out..)
> I'd also appreciate any feedback from the TagLib gurus on whether I'm
> "doing it right" regarding the above process of normalisation.
> Many thanks,

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