Taglib 1.9.1 upgrade not reading embedded artwork
Gayle Reid
wifanlith at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 17 09:46:49 UTC 2013
I have upgraded from 1.7 to 1.9.1, and have very little clue about the
taglib code, as I have inherited it.
We used to have no issue reading the embedded artwork, and now it fails.
We have a method , extractEmbeddedArtwork(QString path)
QFileInfo finfo(path);
QString ext = finfo.suffix().toLower();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
// TAGLIB (under Windows) does not like UTF8 paths/filenames with
top-bit-set characters.
// (conversion from UTF8 to const wchar_t seems to be the cause of the
problem - file
// is effectively not recognised as an audio file and will therefore not be
FileRef f( reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(path.constData()) );
// No such problem with UTF8 for Mac and Linux versions.
FileRef f(QFile::encodeName(path).constData());
if (!f.tag()) {
//qDebug() << "no tags in" << path;
qDebug() << ".........[ARTWORK] extractEmbeddedArtwork() -> no tags in" <<
return QByteArray();
MPEG::File* mpegFile = dynamic_cast<MPEG::File*>(f.file());
if (mpegFile) {
// qDebug() << ".........[ARTWORK] extractEmbeddedArtwork() -> checking MP3
file" << path;
return extractID3Artwork(path, mpegFile->ID3v2Tag());
} // of MPEG case
RIFF::AIFF::File* aiffFile = dynamic_cast<RIFF::AIFF::File*>(f.file());
if (aiffFile) {
// qDebug() << ".........[ARTWORK] extractEmbeddedArtwork() -> checking
AIFF file" << path;
return extractID3Artwork(path, aiffFile->tag());
RIFF::WAV::File* wavFile = dynamic_cast<RIFF::WAV::File*>(f.file());
if (wavFile) {
// qDebug() << ".........[ARTWORK] extractEmbeddedArtwork() -> checking WAV
file" << path;
return extractID3Artwork(path, wavFile->tag());
When the code gets into (if(!t.tag()) it fails and returns, before trying
to extract artwork.
Could someone give me a clue as to where to start here? Has something
changed here that I am not noticing underneath??
Gayle Reid
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