Compiling taglib for use in Code::Blocks with wxwidgets as a graphic library

noname name devnoname120 at
Tue Jan 8 17:24:32 UTC 2013


I'm trying to compile the taglib library (latest) using cmake (latest)
under cygwin.
I've Code::Blocks installed with gcc (Mingw) and I issue the following

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW"

I get the following:

There is no problem as far but when it comes to issue the command make:

It seems that wchar is incorrectly linked but I've no idea how to fix it.

Can you please help me to fix it?

Best regards.

NOTE: Please notice this compilation is intended to use the library on
Code::Blocks with MinGw
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