DISK number

Michael Helmling helmling at mathematik.uni-kl.de
Wed Apr 18 16:12:46 UTC 2012

Alternatively, with the current GIT head (or wait for taglib-1.8) you 
can do something like

PropertyMap map = file->properties();
int discnumber = -1;
if (map.contains("DISCNUMBER")) {
   discnumber = map["DISCNUMBER"][0].toInt();

to access and

map.replace("DISCNUMBER", "2");

to set the tag.


Am 18.04.2012 16:42, schrieb Sander Jansen:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 2:14 AM, Ruslan Dragunov <sf_2000 at mail.ru 
> <mailto:sf_2000 at mail.ru>> wrote:
>     Hi, Taglib-devel.
>     Can I add DISK number using taglib?
> Yes, but it requires some work on your part since each type of tag 
> requires a slightly different format. For example:
> http://code.google.com/p/gogglesmm/source/browse/src/GMTag.cpp#652
> Sander
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