bug reading certain wav file

Jens Nachtigall nachtigall at web.de
Wed Oct 5 13:44:48 UTC 2011

Dear all,

using mixxx (a dj program using taglib, mixxx.org) i noticed a bug [1]
Actually this turns out to be a bug in taglib (amarok also crashes when
loading this very wav file).

It is very easy to reproduce, just do
taglib-1.7/examples/tagreader ~/tmp/09_15_2011-21h_14m_33s.wav

The file can be found here:

This wav file causes tagreader to allocate about 2GB of memory until it
causes a SIGABRT. Any solution / direction for debuggin? Should I open a

ps I am not on the list, so please CC me.

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/851737

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