No subject

herb auld herbauld at
Mon Dec 5 22:33:53 UTC 2011

i have need of help regarding "taglib" and writing the "albumartist".


i have a C# program that reads a text file and parse a line to rename and
populate the ID3v2 information.


it mostly works except when it attempts to write the "albumartist" i'm not
getting and error but when i

check the details it is missing from the mp3. it is the line in "red"


here is the code:


        private static void readData(string sData)


            //0 = old file name, 1 = new file name & title, 2 = album
artist, 3 = album, 4 = track number


            string[] aRecord = sData.Split(new Char[] { '\t' });

            readLP(aRecord[0], aRecord);



        private static void readLP(string oFilename, string[] aRecord)


            string sPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(oFilename);

            string nFilename = sPath + "\\" + aRecord[1] + ".mp3";


            //due to the taglib file and system file i have to specify what
File class

            System.IO.File.Move(oFilename, nFilename);

            if (!renameTAGS(nFilename, aRecord))




        private static bool renameTAGS(string nFilename, string[] aRecord)


            bool bPass = false;



                TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(nFilename);

                TagLib.Id3v2.Tag id3v2Tag =
file.GetTag(TagLib.TagTypes.Id3v2) as TagLib.Id3v2.Tag;

                Console.WriteLine("Starting to replace:\r\n");

                // Set ID3v2 tag values

                id3v2Tag.Title = aRecord[1];

                //string[] sArtist = new string[1] { aRecord[2] };

                //sArtist[0] = aRecord[2];

                //file.Tag.AlbumArtists = sArtist;

                id3v2Tag.AlbumArtists = new string[] { aRecord[2] };

                id3v2Tag.Album = aRecord[3];

                id3v2Tag.Track = Convert.ToUInt16(aRecord[4]);



                bPass = true;


            catch (Exception er)


                string msg = er.ToString();

                Console.WriteLine("Error in renameTAGS\t" + msg);

                bPass = false;


            return bPass;




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