TagLib: String::prepare() - Unicode conversion error.

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 07:40:36 CEST 2010

2010/4/15 mociml <mociml at 126.com>:
> in Qt4.5,filename contains some Chinese words
>     qDebug()<<"Read tag Name:"<<filename.toUtf8().data();
>     TagLib::FileRef f(filename.toUtf8().data());
> the following error will happen in some time,how to avoid this?
> TagLib: String::prepare() - Unicode conversion error.

It's not a problem with the file name. I'd need to know more details
about the file to help. Ideally you could send me (not to the list)
the file and I'll take a look.


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