taglib-1.5: corrupted PNG-header while parsing APIC-frame

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Thu Oct 30 23:45:50 CET 2008

Maxim Bourmistrov wrote:
> Tested with PNG-image inside APIC-frame.
> Here is a detailed description with some nice screenshots :) -> http://en.roolz.org/Blog/Entries/2008/10/29_Using_taglib_to_extract_cover_image_from_MP3-files.html
> I'm not on this list, so please replay to my mail directly.

Hi Maxim --

This patch looks incorrect.  My guess would be that iTunes (if that's 
what put the images there) is storing the image incorrectly in the 
frame.  Its ID3v2 implementation is rather buggy.  I'd assume that 
either they're not writing the description or its not being properly 
terminated.  I just checked the spec and the APIC frame has been 
consistent across ID3v2.2 - ID3v2.4, so it shouldn't be an 
incompatibility there.

Could you send a sample file that's problematic to me via mail?  I'd 
like to have a glance at it with a hex editor to see what's up.



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